In one season sitcom No Strings Rosie Tindall (Jean Marsh) strikes up a friendship with Sam Jessop (Edward Petherbridge), the pair having met in less than ideal circumstances. Their respective partners having run off with each other. Slowly the pair move towards a relationship. Rosie had a daughter (Sally) and Sam had two sons Joe (John McAndrew) and Nick (Graham McGrath).
Jean Marsh had mostly been working in the US in TV and Film, this series marked her return to UK TV.
Cast: Edward Petherbridge as Sam Jessop; Jean Marsh as Rosie Tindall; Amanda Waring as Sally Tindall; John McAndrew as Joe Jessop; Graham McGrath as Nick Jessop; Robert Fyfe as Grandad; Alison Bettles as Sonia; Sam Smart as Darren
Writer: Jan Butlin / Theme Music: Johnny Dankworth / Sung by Cleo Laine / Costume: Val Hurst / Design: Tony Jones / Producer and Director: Ronnie Baxter
UK / ITV – Yorkshire / 7×30 minute episodes / 12 April – 31 May 1989