A dark sitcom, loosely inspired by Tig Notaro’s life, One Mississippi follows Tig as she deals with the complex reentry into her childhood hometown of Bay Saint Lucille, Mississippi, to deal with the unexpected death of her mother, the interminable life of the party, Caroline. Reeling from her own recently declining health, Tig struggles to find her footing with the loss of the one person who actually understood her, with help from her older but not always wiser brother, Remy, played by Noah Harpster, and her emotionally distant stepfather, Bill, played by John Rothman. A surprise visit from Tig’s girlfriend, Brooke, played by Casey Wilson only compounds the reality of how out of place Tig is in a world without her mother.
From Amazon’s press release, July 2017… Love is in the air in when we pick back up with Tig (Tig Notaro), her stepfather Bill (John Rothman) and her brother Remy (Noah Harpster), living together again in the family’s home in Mississippi. It’s a season of new beginnings and new relationships for each of them, all of which test their personal status quo… as well as family boundaries. Tig resumes her radio career in Biloxi with producer Kate (Stephanie Allynne) by her side, though her outspoken point of view proves controversial for the local market. An opportunity to take a bigger stage in New Orleans comes with more reach, and also more responsibility.
Tig Notaro as Tig
Noah Harpster as Remy
John Rothman as Bill
Stephanie Allynne as Kate
Rya Kihlstedt as Caroline
Sheryl Lee Ralph as Felicia Hollingsworth
Carly Jibson as Desiree
Casey Wilson as Brooke
crew details
Creators: Diablo Cody, Tig Notaro
Executive Producers: Blair Breard, Dave Becky, Diablo Cody, Louis C.K., Nicole Holofcener, Tig Notaro
production details
Country: USA
Network: Amazon – 3 Arts Entertainment – Amazon Studios – FX Productions – Pig Newton
Duration: x25 minute episodes
Aired From: 5 November 2015