Sitcom. Baltimore sportscaster Mark “Flex” Washington finds his bachelor’s paradise disrupted when his feisty 14-year-old daughter, Breanna, comes to live with him full-time. Flex is used to the carefree life of a young single man, complete with junk food, sports and women. Breanna is accustomed to no rules and all fun when she visits her dad for two weeks a year. But when the demands of her mother’s new job make it necessary for Breanna to move in with her father for the foreseeable future, Flex must adjust to raising a teenager on a day-to-day basis.
Kyla Pratt as Breanna Barnes
Flex Alexander as Mark “Flex” Washington
Kelly Perine
Robert Ri’chard
production info
First Air Date: September 3rd, 2001
Last Air Date: May 15th, 2006
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Network: UPN
Executive Producer:Flex Alexander
Music: Shanice
Producers: Flex Alexander, David Janollari
Number of Seasons: 5
Number of Episodes: 113