Three part drama Packers End focused on David Keppler (William Lucas) a refugee living in Birmingham who ran the Packers End Community Association which was made up of various immigrants from African, the West Indies, India and Ireland.
Written by Brian Hayes it was a story of people trying to build a community in the face of suspicion and sometimes hatred.
Cast: William Lucas as David Keppler; Leonard Sachs as Bernard Green; Margaret Courtenay as Hettie Green; Hazel Penwarden as Anna Keppler; Edward Evans as Henry Astwood; Ewan Hooper as Father Lang; Edric Connor as Walter Presdey; Shay Gorman as Tim Reagan; Penny O’Brien as Ruth Keppler; Alison Frazer as Elaine Reagan
Writer: Brian Hayles / Producer: Alan Rees / Director: Brian Hulme
UK / BBC / 3×25 minute episodes / 22 March – 5 April 1968