Sitcom Para Handy – Master Mariner detailed the exploits of wily Captain Para Handy (Duncan Macrae) and his somewhat hapless crew on board their puffer The Vital Spark. Angus Lennie was Sunny Jim, John Grieve was Macphail and Roddy McMillan was Dougie.
Para Handy was created by Neil Munro and featured in stories that were published in the Glasgow Evening News between the years 1905 and 1923. Munro wrote under the name Hugh Foulis. The character featured in two other TV series besides this one, The Vital Spark appeared in 1966 (and again in 1973) with Roddy McMillan this time promoted to the role of Para Handy and then again in 1994 for a lavish BBC comedy drama version called The Tales of Para Handy with Gregor Fisher in the lead role.
Cast: Duncan Macrae as Para Handy; Angus Lennie as Sunny Jim; John Grieve as Macphail; Roddy McMillan as Dougie
Writer: Duncan Ross / Producer: Pharic MacLaren / Director: James MacTaggart
UK / BBC / 6×30 minute episodes / 11 December 1959 – 22 January 1960 black and white