Crime drama series “Carole Stanwyck, a chic photographer and Sydney Kovak, who grew up in the streets of San Francisco and yearns to be a concert musician. She also happens to be a pretty good pickpocket. The two are as different as Nob Hill and Fisherman’s Wharf. In fact, the only thing they have in common is they’re both ex-wives of an ex-detective- mysteriously murdered in his office. When the girls are summoned to the reading of the will, they discover they’ve inherited his rundown mansion office- and a 50|50 partnership in the detective agency.”
production details
USA | NBC-Carsons-Partners in Crime | 13×60 minutes | Broadcast 22 September – 29 December 1984
Executive Producer: Bill Driskill
Creators: Leonard B. Stern & James Stark
Supervising producer: Larry Brody
Creative consultant: Simon Muntner
Director of photography: William Cronjager, ASC
Loni Anderson as Sydney Kovack
Lynda Carter as Carole Stanwyck
Walter Olkewicz as Shain
Eileen Heckart as Jeanine
Leo Rossi as Lt. Vronsky