Anthology series which ran on NBC that was created by author/former policeman Joseph Wambaugh. The show purported to show a realistic view of both the private and professional lives of law enforcement personnel.
production details
Scott Brady as Unknown (15 eps)
Joe Santos as Sal Pickles (8 eps)
Dane Clark as Lt. Stoller (8 eps)
Don Meredith as Officer Bert Jameson (8 eps)
Shelly Novack as Nagley (8 eps)
Ron Masak as Melrose (7 eps)
Eddie Egan as Malone (7 eps)
Howard Duff as Harry Blodgett (6 eps)
Tony Lo Bianco as Tony Calabrese (6 eps)
Laraine Stephens as Patti (6 eps)
Creator: Joseph Wambaugh
Executive Producer: David Gerber
Producers: Mel Swope, Carl Pingitore, Liam O’Brien (1), Christopher Morgan, Stanley Kallis, Larry Brody, Hugh Benson
Co-Producer: Mel Swope
Associate Producer: Jay Daniel
USA | NBC | 60 minutes | Premiered: October 02, 1973 | Ended: May 28, 1978