The Red Road is a hard-hitting drama that revolves around a sheriff struggling to keep his family together while simultaneously policing two clashing communities: the small town where he grew up and the neighboring Ramapo Mountains, home of the Ramapo Mountain Indians. After a terrible tragedy and coverup occurs involving the sheriff’s wife, an unholy alliance is forged between the sheriff and a dangerous member of the tribe that will come back to haunt all involved.
Season two jumps directly into the fallout from the adrenaline-filled shootout involving local cop Harold Jensen (Martin Henderson) and Philip Kopus (Jason Momoa), a dangerous member of a local Native American tribe. As Harold’s wife Jean (Julianne Nicholson) continues to put her life back together in the aftermath of season one’s events, rumors begin to swirl that the tribe’s newfound federal recognition will lead to the building of a casino up on the mountain. With tensions mounting, and Kopus’ mother Marie (Tamara Tunie) arguing vehemently against it, the stage is set for a shocking discovery. By the end of the opening episode an unexpected murder has taken place that hints at the ripped-from-the-headlines topics ahead, including toxic dumping which raises the stakes for all the characters.
Martin Henderson as Harold Jensen
Jason Momoa as Phillip Kopus
Julianne Nicholson as Jean Jensen
Tamara Tunie as Marie
Kiowa Gordon as Junior
Allie Gonino as Rachel Jensen
Annalise Basso as Kate Jensen
Nick Gomez as Frank Morgan
Antoni Corone as Captain Warren
Mike Farrell as David Rogers
Tom Sizemore as Jack Kopus
Lisa Bonet as Sky Van Der Veen
Gary Farmer as Mac
Griff Furst as Lieutenant Aschell
Anthony Collins as Sargent S Hibbs
Wes Studi as Chief Levi Gall
Del Zamora as Eddie
Jeff Glover as Officer Baker
crew details
Creator and Executive Producer: Aaron Guzikowski, Bridget Carpenter,
Executive Producer: Sarah Condon
production details
Country: USA
Studio: Sundance
Duration: 60 minutes | 2 seasons with 12 episodes in total.
Aired From: 2/27/2014 – 5/7/2015