Drama series Rough Diamond was set amidst the world of racehorses in beautiful rural Southern Ireland. The storyline centres on the rivalry between struggling young trainer Aidan Docherty and his millionaire neighbour, Charlie Carrick, and his wife, Yolanda, who run the successful Firebrand yard.
Aidan is set to sell up and begin life again on the other side of the world in Australia. Just as he is about to sign his late father’s stables over to wealthy neighbour and rival Carrick, a young stranger turns up with news that rocks Aidan’s world and convinces him not to sell. Suddenly, into Aidan’s life crashes a son he never knew he had and a crazy colt he never knew he wanted. For the first time, Aidan has a chance of a future – but will he be brave enough to take the reins?
production details
UK / BBC-1 – RTE – World Productions / 6×60 minute episodes / Broadcast 4 February – 18 March 2007
Creator: Robert Jones / Producer: Peter Norris / Music: Ray Harman / Executive Producers: Tony Garnett, Andrew Lowe, Victoria Fea / Directors: Simon Massey (episodes one, two, five and six) and Dermot Boyd (episodes three and four).
CONOR MULLEN as Aidan Docherty
BEN DAVIES as Jonah Price
STANLEY TOWNSEND as Charlie Carrick
MUIREANN BIRD as Sheridan Carrick