Short lived medical drama series which focused on the lives of four young interns who were all working under the wise Dr Thomas Ryan (Ryan nursed the heartache of knowing that his intern son had committed suicide unable to handle the pressure).
The four were the rich Edward Gillian, intelligent Ingrid who had trouble developing her social skills, working class Norman and the black Terry (whose marriage was on the verge of collapse). Ryan’s superior Dr Morris Whitford was determined that the interns didn’t get an easy ride.
production details
USA / ABC / x60minute episodes / Broadcast 4-27 April 1983
Producers: Henry Winkler, David Victor
TOM SKERRIT as Dr Thomas Ryan
LISA EILBACHER as Dr Ingrid Sorenson
TIMOTHY DALY as Dr Edward Gillian
ALBERT HALL as Dr Terry Wilson
DIRK BLOCKER as Dr Norman Rostov
NICOLAS COSTER as Dr Morris Whitford