In comedy drama First and Last, 64 year old Alan Holly decides to fulfill a long standing ambition of walking from Land’s End to John O’Groats. Despite not being a walker and with a pair of new boots that still need wearing in, Alan realises he has a job ahead of him. Along the way his journey becomes something more than a simple journey taking on an epic quality as long forgotten family and new friends are caught up in his expedition.
The drama ran for close to three hours and there was a three minute intermission at 10.55pm
production details
UK / BBC / 1×145 minute episode / Broadcast 12 December 1989
Series: Screen One (Special that aired in between seasons 1 and 2)
Writer: Michael Frayn / Production Design: Rob Hinds / Camera: Steve Saunderson / Producer: Michael Wearing / Director: Alan Dosser
Joss Ackland as Alan Holly
Pat Heywood as Audrey Holly
Lionel Jeffries as Laurence
Patricia Routledge as Ivy
Tom Wilkinson as Stephen
Sophie Thursfield as Shana
Patsy Palmer as Young Girl
Dave Hill as Hill Farmer
Laura Davenport as Sandra
Deborah Findlay as Lisa
Thomas Wheatley as Sandra’s Stephen
Louise Smith as Lisa’s Child
Thomas Horton as Lisa’s Child
Katie Combs as Lisa’s Child
Tom Hunt as Sandra’s Child
Andrew Bevan as Sandra’s Child
Frances Cox as Landlady
Bernard Gallagher as Man On Beach
Carol Leader as Cheryl
Jamie Foreman as Dave
Aimée Delamain as Elderly Lady
Roddy Maude-Roxby as Tramp
Meryl Hampton as Mother In Charge
Barry McCarthy as Father In Cottage
Helena McCarthy as Lady In Cafeteria
Steve Halliwell as Shop Assistant
Jane Wood as Hill Farmer’s Wife
Subash Singh Pall as Casualty Officer