Comedy drama. Dawn French stars as Bev, the wife of a school caretaker, Ian, who’s content with her lot – a loving family and a job at the school, but just a little bit restless. Glamour suddenly enters her life in the form of former boyfriend, debonair Nicholas, a fashion designer with a nice line in romantic breaks for two in Paris: will she, won’t she?
production details
UK | BBC One | 1×90 minutes | 1997
Writer: Tony Grounds
Producer: Sophie Clarke-Jervoise
Executive Producer: Ruth Caleb
Director: Gavin Millar
Dawn French as Bev Bodger
Phil Daniels as Ian Bodger
Michael Maloney as Billy Gate
Rosemary Martin as Loretta
Roger Brierley
Alex Kew
Julia-Lee Smith
Michael Kew
Jan Alphonse as Julie
Barry McNicholl
Julia Carling
Yasmin Le Bon
Jasper Conran
Susie Bick