Period drama serial. Young Beatrix Potter lives a quiet, protected childhood surrounded by her beloved pets. As she grows to adulthood, her talent for creating illustrated stories about these animals leads to publication of her first book, “The Tale of Peter Rabbit.” As her books continue to gain popularity, her association with her publisher grows into an affectionate relationship that is strongly discouraged by Beatrix’s domineering parents.
production details
Penelope Wilton
Holly Aird
John Woodvine
Richard Aylen
Jennifer Marriott
Rosemary Martin
Tenniel Evans
Victoria Burton
Fanny Rowe
John Welsh
James Grout
James Bree
Nicholas Lovell
Donald M Gee
John Stratton
Timothy Bateson
Jeremy Nicholas
Sophie Ashton
Catherine Schell
Tim Wylton
Based on the biographies by Margaret Lane
Writer and Executive Producer: John Hawkesworth
Producer: Carol Robertson
Director: Bill Hays
UK / BBC / 2×60 minute episodes / 1983