The Arthur Haynes Show series featured the very popular in his day Arthur Haynes. This sketch series ran for a mammoth fifteen seasons from 1957 to 1966 only coming to a close when Haynes died suddenly at the age of 52. At the time Haynes was probably the most popular comic in the UK.
Like all the best sketch shows it featured a large mix of returning characters including tramp Hobo Haynes (this character was created by Alf Garnett creator Johnny Speight), another popular character was the dodgy Oscar Pennyfeather (created by Sid Colin and Ronald Wolfe).
His most regular foil was Nicholas Parsons but also on hand were Ken Morris, Joan Savage and in later shows Patricia Hayes. Also making semi regular appearances were the likes of Freddie Frinton, Joe ‘Mr Piano’ Henderson, Dermot Kelly, Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson and Leslie Noyes.
There was also a radio version that broadcast between 1962 and 1965.
Writer: (Mostly) Johnny Spieght
UK / ITV – ATV / 157×30 minute episodes 1×50 minute episodes / 2 January 1957 – 30 April 1966