In one off comedy The Bogie Man mental patient Francis Forbes Clunie (Robbie Coltrane) believes he is Humphrey Bogart, he escapes from the institution where he is being held and sets up in business as a private eye.
The Bogie Man, which garnered generally poor reviews, was actually based on a comic book created by John Wagner, Alan Grant and Robin Smith. The production was based on the first four issues of the comic. The character would continue in comic book form as well as appearing in 2000AD rival Toxic.
Cast: Robbie Coltrane as Francis Forbes Clunie; Fiona Fullerton as Doctor Olive Branch; Jean Anderson as Mrs Napier; Craig Ferguson as Detective Sergeant Ure; Aine O’Connor as Lauren MacCall; Midge Ure as Gus McCurdie
Writer: Paul Pender / Executive Producers: Bill Bryden and Michael Wearing / Producer: Andy Park / Director: Charles Gormley
UK / BBC Two / 1×60 minute episode / Broadcast 29 December 1992