Comedy drama The Home Front was almost an anthology series of single plays. The linking factor though was Mrs Place (Brenda Bruce) who ruled the roost over her three grown up children.
Each episode focused on a different family member including son Hallam (Warren Clarke) a TV script writer living in ‘that London’ much to the disgust of his mother. Garfield (Malcolm Tierney) was another son and Avril (Cherith Mellor) was the daughter. Her husband was the put upon Vernon (Karl Johnson).
The series was written by Peter Tinniswood who tended to specialise in often grotesque northern families, most notably in his successful seventies sitcom I Didn’t Know You Cared.
Cast: Brenda Bruce as Mrs Place; Warren Clarke as Hallam Place; Malcolm Tierney as Garfield Place; Sue Robinson as Hazel Place; Cherith Mellor as Avril Hemingway; Karl Johnson as Vernon Hemingway; Rowena Cooper as Mrs Mazarene; Maurice Denham as Mr Garlick
Writer: Peter Tinniswood / Producer: Nicholas Palmer
UK / ITV – Central / 6×60 minutes / 2 February – 9 March 1983