Crime drama series The Interceptor focused on the work of a specialist surveillance team known as the Unit. The series initially follows new recruit Ash (O-T Fagbenie) and his attempts to bring down major criminal Roach (played by Trevor Eve in a change of pace from his usual leading man roles).
David Gyasi initially began filming as Ash but a bad leg injury forced him out of the role and led to his replacement by Fagbenie.
Cast: O-T Fagbenie as Ash; Jo Joyner as Lorna; Trevor Eve as Roach; Robert Lonsdale as Tommy; Anna Skellern as Kim; Charlie De Melo as Martin; Ewan Stewart as Cartwright; Lorraine Ashbourne as Valerie; Gary Beadle as Docker; Lee Boardman as Xavier
Creator: Tony Saint / Executive Producers: Sarah Brown, Tony Saint / Producer: Patrick Schweitzer
UK / BBC One – BBC Worldwide / 8×60 minute episodes / Broadcast 2015