In short lived ITV sitcom The Lonelyhearts Kid, Ken (Robert Glenister) and Judy (Deborah Farrington) have lived together for years but have now drifted apart. Ken is is trying to pick up the threads of his life with help from his sister Ros (Julia Goodman) and friend Ray (George Winter).
The series was written by Alex Shearer and Glenister had previously starred in his popular earlier sitcom Sink or Swim alongside Peter Davison.
Cast: Robert Glenister as Ken; George Winter as Ray; Julia Goodman as Ros; Deborah Farrington as Judy
Writer: Alex Shearer / Producer: Anthony Parker / Director: Douglas Argent
UK / ITV – Thames / 6×30 minute episodes / 17 July – 21 August 1984 Tuesdays 8.30pm