In sitcom The Most Likely Girl the unusually named Arethusa Wilderspin (Beryl Reid) sets out to get herself a man. In each episode of the short run series (only four episodes that were shown fortnightly) Arethusa targeted a different man.
The cast was pretty interesting with a lead role for a young Beryl Reid and a strong supporting role for Noele Gordon who played Arethusa’s friend Eve. Gordon was clearly being groomed by ATV at this stage having hosted a chat show (Tea With Noele Gordon) in 1956 and the magazine show Lunch Box the same year as this series. She would of course go on to be the star of long running ATV soap Crossroads.
Cast: Beryl Reida as Arethusa Wilderspin; Noele Gordon as Eve Edwards; Barbara Couper as Madge Dresswell
Writer: Robert Bishop / Producer and Director: Cecil Petty
UK / ATV / 4×30 minute episodes / 23 September – 4 November 1957 Mondays at 8.30pm