The Old Grey Whistle Test was a long running live music show that aired on BBC Two from 1971 to 1987. Pretty much anybody who was anybody appeared on the show.
Presenter Bob Harris recalls how the show’s name was inspired by the doormen in grey suits who worked at the music publishing houses in London’s Denmark Street , known as ‘tin pan alley’: “It was a ‘tin pan alley’ phrase from years ago. When they got the first pressing of a record they would play it to people they called the old greys. The ones they could remember and could whistle having heard it just once or twice had passed the old grey whistle test.”
From the 24 December 1983 episode the series title was shortened to Whistle Test.
Besides Harris other presenters over the years included David Hepworth and Anne Nightingale.
America and Lesley Duncan were guests on the first edition and Gary Glitter of all unlikely people was guest on the final edition of the show.
UK / BBC Two / Broadcast 29 September 1971 – 31 December 1987