One off comedy The Cruise of the Toy Town Belle told of an Adventure had by Larry the Lamb and his friends in toytown. This live broadcast was based on Hendrik Baker’s production from the Granville Theatre, Walham Green.
Cast: Betty Blackler as Larry, The Lamb; Malcolm Thomas as Dennis, the Daschund; Fred Essex as Ernest, the policeman; Roger Trafford as Peter Brass; Raymond Rollett as The Mayor of Toy Town; Alan Welch as His Secretary; Bligh Chesmond as The Doctor; Lawrence Hanray as Mr Growser; John Deverell as The Inventor; Anthony Cope as The Magician; Clifford Buckton as Captain Higgins; Van Boolen as Cannabel Chief; Other parts played by Anthony Collins, David Reynolds, J. Howell, Michael Mellinger, Jachin Howes
Writer: S.G. Hulme Beaman / Stage production: Hendrik Baker / Produced for television by: Alex McCrindle
UK / BBC / 1×60 minute episode / 11 May 1947