In sitcom The Two of Us, young couple Ashley (Nicholas Lyndhurst) and Elaine (Janet Dibley) live together in a small basement flat – he’d like to get married and have a family, she is happy to keep things as they are. The pair did eventually get married in the final season and the series ended with Elaine discovering she was pregnant.
The Two of Us was typical of the work of Alex Shearer and remained reasonably popular over the course of it’s four seasons. Ashley’s grandad Perce was a regular – he was played in the first season by Patrick Troughton but he sadly died in 1987 (whilst attending a Dr Who Convention in the US) and his part was taken by Tenniel Evans.
Janet Dibley went on to star in Alex Shearer’s next sitcom The Gingerbread Girl.
Cast: Nicholas Lyndhurst as Ashley Phillips; Janet Dibley as Elaine; Patrick Troughton as Perce (Season 1); Tenniel Evans as Perce (From season 2) ; Paul McDowell as Colin Phillips; Jennifer Piercey as Lilian Phillips; Mark Jax as Gordon; Francesca Hall as Karen; Elizabeth Morgan as Joyce
Writer: Alex Shearer / Producers: Marcus Plantin, Robin Carr
UK / ITV – London Weekend Television / 32×30 minute episodes 1×60 minute episode / 31 October 1986 – 18 March 1990