Sitcom There’s… Johnny follows the lives and challenges of Andy, a wide-eyed 19-year-old Nebraskan who stumbles his way into a job at ‘THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JOHNNY CARSON,’ and Joy, a young Talent Coordinator on the show, as they both try to find their way and prove themselves in this period of cultural and political upheaval. The show touches on major historical events of the time, including the Vietnam War, Nixon, and the strengthening counter-culture, as well the show’s status as one of the most popular and important cultural institution of its day.
‘Growing up, the coolest thing imaginable was to someday get on ‘THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JOHNNY CARSON’ and make Johnny laugh. The fact that I got to do that was a dream come true, and going back now to explore that world, and pay homage to Johnny and that golden time is an absolute joy,’ said Paul Reiser.
Produced in conjunction with the Carson Estate, the show has on board Executive Producer Jeff Sotzing, Carson’s nephew, who, like the lead character, also started ‘a little lower than the mailroom’ at that time, and today runs the Carson Estate. The series premiered in 2017, 55 years after Carson’s first appearance in ‘THE TONIGHT SHOW,’ and 25 years after his last show.
‘1972 was as chaotic as today – cultural unrest, an unpopular war, an election that would change politics forever. Despite that, each night, from a studio in Burbank, a bunch of folks put on a show that made all of America smile, together. This inventive story looks back, and inward, at just how important humor is to the American psyche. Plus, the chance to bring both Paul Reiser and Johnny Carson back to the NBCUniversal family is an awesome, once in a lifetime thing.’ said Evan Shapiro, Executive Vice President, Digital Enterprises, NBCUniversal.
With unprecedented access to the full Carson archives, the comedy intertwines live action with authentic footage of Johnny and his guests on screen. The series focuses on the people behind the scenes of the legendary late-night show, while Johnny will be portrayed as a looming presence.
production details
USA | Hulu – Comedy Dynamics – Nuance Productions – Rough House | 7×30 minutes } Broadcast Thursday 16 November 2017
Creator: Paul Reiser
Executive Producers: Paul Reiser, David Gordon Green, David Steven Simon, Brian Volk-Weiss, Michael Pelmont, Cisco Henson, and Matt Ochacher.
Ian Nelson as Andy Klavin
Jane Levy as Joy Greenfield
Tony Danza as Freddie
David Hoffman as Jim
T’Keyah Crystal Keymáh as Roz
Andrew Schulz as Mitch
Nate Smith as Mike
Daniel Strauss as Alan
Roger Bart as Angelo