Crime drama series Thief Takers detailed the cases of a strong arm Flying Squad unit. Initially the team included Det Sgt Bob Tate (Brenda Coyle), Dec Inspector Charlie Scott (Reece Dinsdale) and Det Sgt Helen Ash (Lynda Steadman). Later Set Sgt Anna Dryden (Amanda Pays) joined as did Det Con Lucy McCarthy (Simone Lahbib). Nicholas Ball was also a regular in the third and final season as Detective Chief Inspector Nick Hall).
A pilot aired first in 1995 followed by three seasons.
Cast: REECE DINSDALE as D.I. Charlie Scott(95-96); BRENDAN COYLE as D.S. Bob Tate(95-96); LYNDA STEADMAN as D.S. Helen Ash; GARY McDONALD as D.C. Alan Oxford; AMANDA PAYS as D.S. Anna Dryden; SIMONE LAHBIB as D.C. Lucy McCarthy; ROBERT WILLOX as D.C. Ted Donachie
Creator: Roy Mitchell / Theme Music: Hal Lindes / Producer: Gina Cronk / Executive Producer: Ted Willis
UK / ITV / 25×50 minutes / Broadcast 1 February 1995 – 18 December 1997