In drama series A Thing Called Love Gary (Gary Scant) and Paula (Liz White) have always been best pals and share a flat together but now each wants to take things a bit further but don’t realise the other does too.
Cast: Paul Nicholls as Gary Scant; Ben Miles as Kelvin Leech; Liz White as Paula Roberts; Amelia Linney as Chloe Leech; Karl Collins as Floyed Staple; Roy Barraclough as Harold Waterman; Shauna Shim as Chantelle Staple; Andrea Lowe as Liz Leech; Paul Henshall as Michael Scant; Elizabeth Rider as Maureen Scant; Ellie Clarke as Rose Leech
Writer: William Ivory / Producer: Manda Levin
UK / BBC One /| 6×60 minute episodes / Broadcast 28 September 2004