Nordic Noir drama Those Who Kill follows a fictitious unit within Copenhagen Police which specialises in investigating serial murders. The series was aired as five two-part stories in Denmark, but has aired as five feature film length episodes in most other countries.
A separate 92 minutes feature film, Fortidens skygge, which forms a continuation and ending of the series, premiered in Danish cinemas on 15 March 2012, and is being aired as a final, sixth episode of the series in many other countries, such as the UK and Germany.
Lars Mikkelsen as Magnus Bisgaard
Laura Bach as Katrine Ries Jensen
Jakob Cedergren as Thomas Schaeffer
production info
Original Title: Den som dræber
First Air Date: March 13th, 2011
Last Air Date: May 15th, 2011
Genres: Drama, Crime
Country: Denmark
Network: TV 2
Creators: Elsebeth Egholm, Stefan Jaworski
Number of Seasons 1 Seasons
Number of Episodes 12 Episodes