Set against the backdrop of a hit dating competition show, “UnREAL” is led by Rachel, a young staffer whose sole job is to manipulate her relationships with and among the contestants to get the vital dramatic and outrageous footage the program’s dispassionate executive producer demands. What ensues is a humorous, yet vexing, look at what happens in the world of unscripted television, where being a contestant can be vicious and producing it is a whole other reality.
The first three seasons aired on AndE before switching to Hulu for one last run of episodes.
From Hulu’s press release, July 2018… Everlasting has moved its set to Hulu. In a new deal between Hulu and A+E Studios, the fourth and final season of fan favorite drama series, UnREAL, is now available to stream in its entirety on Hulu. The final installment joins Hulu’s award-winning originals slate and brings together the complete UnREAL library, all on Hulu. Starting today, fans of UnREAL can immediately dive into the new season. The deal also brings the complete series together on Hulu, making it possible to discover, watch and re-watch all of the steamiest moments, most memorable elimination ceremonies and killer cliffhangers from throughout the show’s four seasons.
Season four of UnREAL follows Rachel (Shiri Appleby) and Quinn (Constance Zimmer) as they return to the set of Everlasting for an “All-Stars” themed season. With former contestants, and a new format, this season is poised to be even more dramatic than ever. Co-creator Sarah Gertrude Shapiro and showrunner Stacy Rukeyser both return for Season 4. New cast members include François Arnaud, Natalie Hall, Meagan Holder and Alejandro Muñoz. Constance Zimmer returns as director for one episode, and Shiri Appleby directs two episodes, including the series finale.
production details
USA | AandE – Hulu | 38×43 minutes | Broadcast 1 June 2015 – 16 July 2018
Creators: Sarah Gertrude Shapiro, Marti Noxon
Shiri Appleby as Rachel Goldberg
Constance Zimmer as Quinn King
Craig Bierko as Chet Wilton
Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman as Jay
François Arnaud as Tommy Castelli