Sitcom Up Rising detailed life for the generally oddball residents of the idyllic village of Rising, especially neuveau riche couple Maxine (Michelle Collins) and Terry Gaines (Kevin McNally) and old style Ronald (Anton Rodgers) and Sally Kegworthy (Nicola Pagett). Other characters included new age twosome Ariadne (Camilla Power) and Justin (Dominic Matham).
A very well cast series that seemed curiously old fashioned and as such never really found an audience.
Cast: ANTON RODGERS as Ronald Kegworthy; NICOLA PAGETT as Sally Kegworthy; MICHELLE COLLINS as Maxine Gaines; KEVIN McNALLY as Terry Gaines; GEORGIA McKENZIE as Harriet Revell; RICHARD COYLE as Martin Marr; CAMILLA POWER as Ariadne; DOMINIC MATHAM as Justin Winterman; TREVOR COOPER as Morrissey
Writer: Nick Vivian / Costume: Fiona Chilcott / Music: Michael Storey / Design: Steve Groves / Camera: Francis De Groote / Producers: Margaret Gavan Duffy, Christopher Skala
UK / ITV – Strand – Tiger Aspect / 1x50m-e 5x30m-e / 25 June – 23 July 2000 Sundays mostly at 10.30pm