In generational Sitcom Us Girls Bev (Joanne Campbell) tries to juggle her career as a journalist with bringing up her teenage daughter Aisha (Marlaine Gordon) and trying to do her best by her Mum (Mona Hammond).
Bev, from a West Indian background, worked for the local council whilst also working for lifestyle magazine Shades. Much of the humour stemmed from the dynamic between the three generations of women, with Bev usually caught in the middle.
There were some changes for the second season, Joanne Campbell was replaced by Nicola Blackman in the lead role of Bev and she had given up her council job to go full time on Shades.
Cast: JOANNE CAMPBELL as Bev (Season 1); NICOLA BLACKMAN as Bev (Season 2); MARLAINE GORDON as Aisha; MONA HAMMOND as Grandma Pinnock; ALLISTER BAIN as Grandad Pinnock; KERRY POTTER as Catherine; DONA CROLL as Gail
Writer: Lisselle Kayle / Script Consultant: Sharon Foster / Script Editor: Anne Pivcevic / Producer and Director: David Askey
UK / BBC One / 12×30 minute episodes / 27 February 1992 – 14 April 1993