In one season sitcom We’ll Think of Something middle-aged Les Brooks (Sam Kelly) is made redundant. Determined to not join the dole queue he teams up with mates Dennis (Roger Sloman) and Eddie (Philip Dunbar) in a series of get rich quick schemes. None of which manage to come off. Meanwhile Les’s wife Maureen (Marcia Warren) is forced to get a job as a barmaid in a pub.
We’ll Think of Something came and went without anyone noticing but it did offer strong lead roles for the always excellent Kelly and Warren.
Cast: Sam Kelly as Les Brooks; Marcia Warren as Maureen Brooks; Roger Sloman as Dennis; Maggie Jones as Irene; Ray Mort as Norman; Philip Dunbar as Eddie; Jimmy Reddington as Dave; John Barrard as Old Mr Brooks; Tariq Yunus as Doctor Khan; Ian Bleasdale as Policeman
Writer: Geoff Rowley / Producer and Director: John Howard Davies
UK / ITV – Thames / 6x30m-e / 1 September – 13 October 1986 Mondays 8.00pm