What Remains is an intriguing four part crime drama starring David Threllfall as Detective Len Harper who is nearing retirement but is determined to solve one last crime before he does.
Harper’s investigation begins when Michael Jenson (Russell Tovey) and Vidya Khan (Amber Rose Revah) move into a flat in Coulthard street with a plan to prepare for the birth of their first child. Things start to go awry when a leak coming from the flat upstairs leads to the discovery of a body.
Len Harper is convinced that the residents of the block of flats know more than they are letting on.
Cast: David Threllfall as Len Harper; Amber Rose Revah as Vidya Khan; Russell Tovey as Michael Jenson; David Bamber as Joe Sellers; Steven Mackintosh as Kieron Moss; Indira Varma as Elaine Markham; Denise Gough as Liz Fletcher; Claudie Blakely as Patricia; Jessica Gunning as Melissa Young; Victoria Hamillton as Peggy Scott; Lisa Millett as DC Alice Yapp; Alexander Arnold as Adam Moss
UK / BBC-1 / 4×60 minute episodes / Broadcast 2013