In sitcom Young At Heart iconic British film actor John Mills made a rare TV appearance as newly retired Albert Collyer who has trouble adjusting to his new way of life. Megs Jenkins played wife Ethel who also had trouble adjusting to Albert being home.
Albert had worked for 50 years for a pottery works and didn’t have too many interests which made the transition even harder. Other regulars included Barbara (Carol Leader) and Norman Charlton (David Neilson).
Written by Vince Powell the series ran for three seasons with Mills singing the theme tune himself. Seasons 1 and 2 were made by ATV and the third and final season was made by Central following the franchise changes.
Cast: John Mills as Albert Collyer; Megs Jenkins as Ethel Collyer; Carol Leader as Barbara Charlton (Seasons 1 & 2); David Neilson as Norman Charlton (Seasons 1 & 2); James Duggan as Barman
Writer: Vince Powell / Producer and Director: Stuart Allen / Theme sung by John Mills
UK / ITV – ATV – Central / 19×30 minute episodes / 14 April 1980 – 5 November 1982