Alcock and Gander was a sitcom that aired on ITV in 1972. Beryl Reid and Richard Carpenter starred.
After her husbands death, Mrs Alcock (Beryl Reid) takes over the running of his empire from a small office in Soho, she hires young Richard Gander (Richard O’Sullivan) as her business partner but it seems he knows even less about business than she does.
Mrs Alcock’s business “empire” extended to The Tom O’Thimble Lucky Pixie, The Alcock Swiss Elixir and a publishing enterprise called Artistic Books. The short run series only ran to six episodes.
UK / ITV – Thames / 6×30 minute episodes / Broadcast 5 June – 10 July 1972 Mondays 8.30pm
Writers: Johnnie Mortimer, Brian Cooke / Production Design: Harry Clark / Producer and Director: Alan Tarrant
BERYL REID as Mrs Alcock
JOHN CATER as Ernest