Period Children’s comedy drama. A faithful rendering of the Oscar Wilde short story The Canterville Ghost about an American family in Victorian times moving into a stately home and finding it haunted by a 200 year old ghost.
This oft filmed tale was a Hollywood movie in 1944, there was another TV Movie version in 1974 and another still, a US version in 1986. Patrick Stewart starred in yet another version in 1996 and 2016 saw a French outing for the story,
Ian Richardson as Simon de Canterville
Celia Imrie as Lucy Otis
Sarah-Jane Potts as Virginia Otis
Rolf Saxon as Hiram Otis
James D’Arcy as Lord Cheshire
Edna Doré as Mrs. Umney
Tom Bowles as Tom Carter
Donald Sinden as Lord Dumbleton
Pauline Quirke as Madame Murielle
Ian McNeice as Professor Davenport
Rik Mayall as Reverend Dampier
Nicholas Barker as Stars Otis
Jack Barker as Stripes Otis
crew details
Writer: Olivia Hatreed
Producer: Alan Horrox
Director: Crispin Reece
production details
Country: UK
Studio: ITV – Carlton
Duration: 1×90 minute episodes
Aired From: 26 December 1997