Children’s animated series The Enchanted House featured the adventures of a group of animals, especially Tiny the Giraffe, Nellyphant the Elephant, Leo the Lion, Bob the Robin and Jack the Dog. The series was a mix of 2D characters in a 3D background and the stories tended towards the homely. The illustrations were by Oscar Da Costa.
The series was narrated by Mary Malcolm and Howard Williams with a strident theme tune provided by jazzman Johnny Dankworth.
In the late fifties (from 1957) there had also been a version of the series airing as part of the ITV kids show strand Small Time.
production details
UK / ITV – Thames – Linmar / 39×15 minute episodes / Broadcast Tuesday 19 May 1970 at 4.40pm -1972
Producers: Mary Plumbly, Lillian Davidson / Theme Music: Johnny Dankworth
Narrators: Mary Malcolm, Howard Williams