Drama series The End Of The F***Ing World takes us into the dark world of two teenage outsiders, James and Alyssa. James is very much a loner, prone to increasingly violent fantasies about killing people. Alyssa is equally adrift despite being popular. She meets James and sees him as a kindred spirit – he however sees her as a potential victim.
The series is based on the comic books by Charles Forsman.
Alex Lawther as James
Jessica Barden as Alyssa
Wunmi Mosaku
Gemma Whelan
Steve Osram
Christine Bottomley
Navin Chowdhry
crew details
Writer: Charlie Covell
Comic Books: Charles Forsman
Director: Jonathan Entwistle
Producer: Kate Ogborn
Executive Producers: Andy Baker, Murray Ferguson, Petra Fried, Ed Macdonald, Dominic Buchanan, Jonathan Entwistle
production details
Country: UK
Network and Production Companies: Channel 4 – Clerkenwell Films/Dominic Buchanan Prods
Duration: 8×25 minute episodes
Aired From: Tuesday 24 October 2017
1. EPISODE ONE (24 Oct 2017)