Teen drama series Four Idle Hands trod the same path as later Grange Hill spin-off Tuckers Luck with its focusing on a pair of school leavers, Mike Dudds and Pete Sutton.
The pair are lacking in direction but keen to make a start into adult life. Even if they continually fall foul of their careers officer Mr Cochrane and find the jobs on offer not to their liking.
Main stars were Phil Daniels, who also made a strong impression in another ITV drama Raven and of course would have a major breakthrough with a starring role in Quadrophenia, and Ray Burdis who is probably best known for his role in Michael Elphick sitcom Three Up Two Down.
Series creator John Kane was an actor who came up with the idea for the series during downtime while appearing in the stage version of Doctor in the House the previous year.
production details
UK / ITV – ATV / 6×25 minute episodes / Broadcast 26 March – 30 April 1976
Writer: John Kane / Producer: David Foster
Phil Daniels as Mike Dudds
Ray Burdis as Pete Sutton
George Innes as Emilio
Royston Tickner as Mr Dudds
John Graham as Mr Cochrane
Sue Holderness as Miss Pemberton
1. OUT OF THE FRYING PAN (26 Mar 1976)
2. TAKING THE PLUNGE (2 Apr 1976)
3. DO UNTO OTHERS (9 Apr 1976)
4. A CLEAN SWEEP (16 Apr 1976)
5. REDS UNDER THE BED (23 Apr 1976)
6. WIN A DEW, LOSE A FEW (30 Apr 1986)