In Grandpa’s Great Escape, another in the BBC’s now seemingly annual David Walliams adaptation, the elderly Grandpa of young Jack has to go and live in an old peoples home after developing Alzheimer’s disease. Grandpa, a flying ace during World War II is convinced that Miss Dandy, the lady who runs his new home, Twilight Towers, is up to no good. He teams up with Jack to plot his escape.
This is the fifth Walliams adaptation by the BBC. The others have been Mr Stink (2012), Gangsta Granny (2013), The Boy in the Dress (2014) and Billionaire Boy (2015).
Tom Courtenay as Grandpa
Jennifer Saunders as Miss Dandy
Kit Connor as Jack
Samantha Spiro as Patricia
David Walliams as Barry
crew details
Writer and Original Author: David Walliams
Producer: Charlie Leech
Executive Producer: Jo Sargent
Director: Elliot Hegarty
production details
Country: UK
Network and Production Companies: BBC One – King Bert
Duration: 1×90 minute episode
Aired From: Christmas 2017