10 part BBC drama No Bananas was set during World War II, where two families, one rich, one poor are brought together by a wedding between the son of the working class Slaters and the daughter of the wealthy Hamiltons.
The casting was excellent with Stephanie Beacham, Alison Steadman and Tom Bell all taking leading roles.
Cast: Stephanie Beacham as Dorothea Grant; Alison Steadman as Evelyn Hamilton; Tom Bell as Thomas Slater; Dorian Healy as Tom Slater; Linda Bassett as Ellen Slater; Michael Byrne as Edward Grant; Edna Doré as Granma Slater; Michael Elwyn as Arthur Hamilton; Rachel Power as Mary Hamilton; Dominic Rowan as Harry Slater; Rachel Pickup as Kaye Bentley; Gregor Truter as Frank Slater; Paul Willams as Clifford Slater; Tim Matthews as William Hamilton; Paloma Baeza as Rose Grant; Eileen O’Brien as Mrs Dovey; Chris Crooks as Dovey; Elaine Donnelly as Ivy Collins; Christopher Driscoll as Reg Collins; Peter McNamara as DS Howard
Creator: Ginnie Hole / Music: John Altman / Producer: Peter Norris
UK / BBC1 / 10×50 minute episodes / 5 May – 14 July 1996