The Brothers: A Very Short Honeymoon (BBC-1 18 May 1975)

In A Very Short Honeymoon Ted is taking Jennifer on Honeymoon to Mombassa but it seems Jennifer is keener on finding a new house and thinking about starting a family. Ted and the rest of the board get confirmation from Merroney that Brian has sold his shares to the bank, which means, for the first time, the Hammond’s own less than fifty percent of the company. Mary also invites Jennifer round for what seems to be a cosy chat but Mary makes it plain that she still hasn’t forgiven her for having a long running affair with her husband and Ted’s father.

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An episode pretty much centred around Ted and Jen and the fact that Mary Hammond will never get over her feelings towards Jennifer. David quite likes Merroney’s secretary Clare Miller and Merroney as part of his devious ways encourages her to be nice to David despite the fact that Merroney knows she is blindly in love with him. jane Maxwell also attends her first board meeting and confides to Don later that she might have made a mistake joining forces with Hammonds.

There is mention of Ann in a newspaper article that says she is involved with a wealthy race horse owner and maybe contemplating remarriage.

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classic quote
“She’ll split us up one day, she’s so determined”

production details
UK / BBC One / 1×60 minute episode / Broadcast 18 May 1975

Writer: N.J. Crisp / Production Design: Gavin Davies / Director: Lennie Mayne

Series: The Brothers Season 5 Episode 7

guest cast
CAROLE MOWLAM as Clare Miller
KATE O’MARA as Jane Maxwell (debut)
MIKE PRATT as Don Stacey (debut)
PETER BETON as Surveyor

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.