Brothers, The: Windmills (BBC1 14 Nov 1976, Michael Sheard)

In Windmills Jane Maxwell is in serious trouble over the loss of the C41 Airplane, it seems the American pilot she hired to transport the plane had assumed the identity of a man who died in Vietnam two years previously, which could spell disaster when it comes to receiving an insurance pay out.

David is still trying to move his relationship with Jane on but of course she is rather otherwise preoccupied and when Brian and Bill return from their trip to Tehran it becomes obvious that he is also still carrying a serious torch for Jane.

Windmills is quite a low key episode of The Brothers with Jane Maxwell very much front and centre although there is plenty of time given over to Paul and April’s marriage, she is already feeling neglected and Merroney is none too pleased that Dutch colleague Paul Van Kepe (who is staying with the Merroneys) is showing more than a keen interest in April’s well being. The hard working Michael Sheard also pops up as the insurance assessor for the plane issue.

production details
UK / BBC One / 1×60 minute episode / Broadcast 14 November 1976

Writer: Brian Finch / Production Design: Gavin Davies / Director: Christopher Baker

Season Seven Episode Eleven

main cast
JEAN ANDERSON as Mary Hammond
RICHARD EASTON as Brian Hammond
ROBIN CHADWICK as David Hammond
JENNIFER WILSON as Jennifer Hammond
KATE O’MARA as Jane Maxwell
COLIN BAKER as Paul Merroney
LIZA GODDARD as April Merroney

guest cast
STEVE UBELS as Paul Van Kepe

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.