The Main Chance: The Piper Calls The Tune (ITV 2 Nov 1970)

In The Piper Calls The Tune David tangles with high flying union official Allan Whittaker. Castleton and Main’s contract with the Union is worth at least £15,000 and Whittaker is keen to get a slice of the action. This is of course like a red rag to a bull to David and he is determined to uncover just how much corruption Whittaker is involved with. Events take a disturbing turn when Joe Brown, a worker who has made a complaint against Whittaker, is badly injured in a work related accident.

The always reliable Frank Mills played Joe Brown who ends up losing an hand and wants David to personally handle his case despite David no longer working for the union.

This was a big week for John Stride he appeared twice on ITV in less than 24 hours. On Sunday evening he starred in the Sunday Night Theatre play Visit From A Stranger alongside Honor Blackman.

production details
UK / ITV – Yorkshire / 1×50 minute episode / Broadcast Monday 2 November 1970 at 8.30pm

Writer: Louis Marks / Production Design: Andrew Drummond / Director: Christopher Hodson

Series: The Main Chance Season 2 Episode 8

John Stride as David Main
Anna Palk as Sarah Courtney
John Wentworth as Margaret Castleton
John Arnatt as Sidney Bulmer
Margaret Ashcroft as Margaret Castleton
James Bree as Fisher
Frank Mills as Joe Brown
Delia Paton as Stella Brown
Brian McDermott as Allan Whittaker
John Collin as Charlie Webster
Basil Dignam as Mr Jory
Edward Evans as Griffiths
Glenn Williams as Stacey

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.