Guilt Season 3 Interviews: Jamie Sives

Guilt Season 3 Interviews: Jamie Sives

Can you explain a little bit about what kind of guy Jake is and where we left him?

Jake’s gone to America. Basically all that Jake needs in life is just to be able to pay for things. That’s as far as his aspiration goes. He’s in love with Angie. He’s out of Edinburgh. He’s on a new quest. So I think he’s much happier than Angie and Max are at the lack of finance. He’s okay with that.

What is about his brother that you think Jake can’t let go of, despite being repeatedly conned by him?

Max is flesh and blood isn’t he and I think what transpires later, when they meet their dad [played by David Hayman], they’ve been at loggerheads, a lot, all three of them. But there’s something tight about all three of them, and I think Jake, and Max are just two elements of that sort of a triumvirate that has obviously been through lots of emotional psychological warfare, but have just remained connected somehow. And I think he just always remains connected. And because Jake is very compassionate and a trusting person. So I think he does see the good in Max, although he probably won’t vocalise that. He just thinks his brother’s gonna come good one day.

As this series opens, Max has been working with him for a year. Has Jake retained his natural naivety or is he wiser to his brother’s tendencies and more able to protect himself?

Jake just seems to be naive to his brother’s tendencies. I don’t think he’s naive in much else. He is a survivor. He’s had it tougher than Max and he’s been okay and looked after himself. He doesn’t need much to get by. He just seems to be very naive when it comes to the story of Max. But again, I think he’s just a trusting person. It’s his big brother as well. It’s kind of simple as that – it’s flesh and blood.

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Is there hope for real trust to be established between the brothers? And does Jake hope that?

Well that’s a different question. I think Jake does hope trust can be established. Whether there is hope, that’s in the hands of Neil Forsyth!

The three themes of Guilt are guilt, revenge and redemption… which one do you think is most befitting of Jake and why? And do you think Jake and Max can redeem themselves?

For Jake, I think it’s got to be redemption. I think he leans towards that more than the other two. Looking at all three themes together, I think he’s redemptive rather than guilt-racked, or vengeful. The brothers are heading towards redemption in a very cack-handed way. They’re very good at that.

The series kicks off with Jake and Max up to their eyes in cow’s muck, what was it like filming that scene?

Up to my eyes in cow’s muck is my most natural state so I’m very comfortable with that. And Mark took to it like a duck to water, seemed to be at home!

How has the process been from start to finish on Guilt?

I’ve been very lucky with work, but this has been the highlight of my career, hands down. The quality of the script – it’s top-class writing. Neil Forsyth just has this amazing ability to just see that whole Scottish thing from a very objective angle. He changes the movements and introduces new elements at the perfect time. The dialogue’s sort of fizzy in parts and really touching and moving in parts. It’s very orchestral. It’s just right and it’s great. It goes a long way to the enjoyment of a job. I’m so so proud to be part of Neil Forsyth’s incredible piece of work, and a Scottish-made series. And working with Mark has been a dream. It’s incredible to think that we were in the same class at school all those years ago, running away together at Stirling Castle. And now to look at this, which I think is one of the best things Scotland’s ever produced, and arguably, Britain has, in a short-form drama. I think it’s absolutely amazing.

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Has the series and its reception been what you expected? Is there an extra element of pride in it being Scottish?

Absolutely, but I don’t think it’s overtly Scottish. I think that’s the beauty of it. It’s not too Scottish, you could transpose that anywhere. And it’s done so well around the world.

You get things like Scorsese movies where they could only happen in New York and New Jersey and or other stories where it could only happen in London or Scotland because of the cultural aspect. But I don’t think this is one of them. There is a very overt Scottish reaction to certain situations, but Neil avoided that very cleverly. This could happen anywhere, it’s not particularly domestic. It’s just an intriguing, beautiful yarn you can transport anywhere.

In fact, it’s been remade in India, so there you go. I think that’s the stroke of genius.

What do you think would be Jake’s happy ever after and would he be capable of that?

What would be his happy ever after? He doesn’t want much. He just wants an easy life and to listen to his records with the girl of his dreams. I’m sure he’d want his brother to be nice!

And finally, what can audiences expect from the finale of Guilt?

I think it’s going to be a fantastic series. The viewers will probably have a yearning to see more but it’s a brilliant way to finish the trilogy. I think it could be shaping up to be the finest season yet.

The third and final season of Guilt is coming soon to BBC One.

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.