Four In A Bed, Channel 4, 3 May 2024, “Payment Day”

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The curtains close on another week of Four in a Bed on Friday 3 May on Channel 4 as the B&B owners reconvene to settle scores and uncover the payment amounts they have received. Cleanliness has been a recurring theme throughout the week, with one particular pair of hosts consistently awarding low scores in this category.

Allegations of foul play heighten the tension as the little pink envelopes are opened, revealing the winners of this week’s competition.

As the owners confront each other about their marking strategies, the question arises: will they be able to set aside their differences?

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The payment day brings closure to an intense week of competition, but the relationships formed and fractured during this journey will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

Four in a Bed airs on Channel 4 at 6.00 pm on Friday 3 May 2024.

Isabelle aka Izzy Jacobs is the UK previews specialist at Isabelle is particularly drawn to crime dramas, but she also has a not so secret love for all things reality TV. In addition to her work at, Isabelle is also an avid traveler and a devoted foodie.