On Thursday, April 11, 2024, “The Kelly Clarkson Show” returns with yet another episode, featuring a diverse range of guests and segments that will entertain and inspire viewers across the country. As has become a beloved tradition, Kelly kicks off the show with her signature “Kellyoke,” this time performing a fun and lively rendition of “Mind Your Own Business.”
The legendary Kirsten Dunst graces the stage as the first guest of the day. Known for her iconic roles in films like “Interview with the Vampire,” “The Virgin Suicides,” and “Spider-Man,” Kirsten joins Kelly for a conversation that explores her illustrious career and her new movie “Civil War”. Social media star and musician Rudy Mancuso also joins Kelly for a chat, offering insights into his creative process and rise to fame.
The show features a special “Savings in 6A” segment, where Kelly and her guests uncover incredible deals and discounts. In a heartwarming twist, the show presents the story of Ruby’s Rainbow, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting adults with Down syndrome as they pursue their educational goals. Additionally, the show includes a segment on a children’s book that addresses the important topic of hearing loss, promoting awareness and understanding.
“The Kelly Clarkson Show” airs at 3:00 PM on NBC Syndicated Stations, once again delivering an engaging mix of entertainment, inspiration, and important social initiatives.