The TLC reality show MILF Manor returns for its second season with the episode “MILFstruck,” airing on Sunday, April 28, 2024, at 10:00 pm. The episode sees a group of single moms gather at a picturesque Canadian lakeside manor in search of love with younger men.
Almost immediately sparks will fly as the contestants engage in a series of fun and flirtatious activities, including a maple syrup challenge that brings them closer together. The laughter and romance will be accompanied by simmering tensions, adding an extra layer of drama. As the episode progresses, a shocking twist shakes the manor to its core, leaving everyone reeling and wondering what will happen next.
The show, which first aired in 2023, features eight single women between the ages of 40 and 60 who pursue romantic relationships with eight single men several decades their junior.
The second season takes place in a lakefront chalet, with new contestants joining the cast. The women include Barby, a former stripper turned marketing executive, and Crystal, a makeup artist. The men’s identities have not yet been revealed.
Don’t miss MILF Manor on TLC at 10:00 pm on Sunday, April 28, 2024.