The Hotel Inspector: Lantern Theatre and Cafe (Channel 5, May 16, 2024)

Channel 5

The Hotel Inspector returns with a new episode on Channel 5. In this installment, renowned hotelier Alex Polizzi lends her expertise to the Lantern Theatre and Cafe in Brighton. Owners Daniel and Janette, a thespian couple, find themselves in debt after expanding their business to include a cafe. The episode airs Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 9:00 p.m.

Alex Polizzi is called in to help revive the struggling Lantern Theatre and Cafe in Brighton. The business is owned and operated by Daniel and Janette, a couple with a passion for the performing arts. For the past 25 years, they have dedicated their lives to putting on shows and performances in their 50-seat fringe venue and studio space. However, their recent decision to expand and purchase the neighboring cafe has left them in a challenging financial situation.

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When Alex arrives, she finds the entrance less than impressive. The cafe is closed, the interiors lack appeal, and the overall curb appeal is underwhelming. Understanding the potential for a successful business in the vibrant city of Brighton, Alex sets to work revitalizing the Lantern Theatre before it reaches its final curtain call. She aims to energize the space and create a vibrant hub for local artists, all while helping the owners dig themselves out of debt.

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With Alex’s guidance, the Lantern Theatre and Cafe may yet become the thriving artistic hub Daniel and Janette envisioned. Will they be able to turn their business around and secure a brighter future?

The Hotel Inspector: Lantern Theatre and Cafe airs Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on Channel 5.

Isabelle aka Izzy Jacobs is the UK previews specialist at Isabelle is particularly drawn to crime dramas, but she also has a not so secret love for all things reality TV. In addition to her work at, Isabelle is also an avid traveler and a devoted foodie.