Lift Off / Lift Off With Ayshea (ITV 1969-1974, Ayshea Brough)

Popular teen entertainment/music show Lift Off was hosted by Ayshea Brough and in season one Graham Bonney with Wally Whyton and puppet Ollie Beak replacing him from season two.

Each week there would be a mix of performances by middle of the road artists, everyone from Ken Dodd to Des O’Connor along with more pop oriented acts. Lots of big names appeared including the likes of Jimmy Cliff, a solo Ray Davies, The Tremeloes, The Sweet, Slade, Cliff Richard, T-Rex, The Move and The Bay City Rollers. There were also plenty of performances from acts who have long since slipped into obscurity including Harmony Grass, Janie, The Tears and Rescue Company No.1.

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Graham Bonney was a co-host for seasn one.

In season one Graham Bonney performed each week backed by resident band The Pattern and there was a resident dance group called The Ken Martyne Dancers.

The show was mostly music based with a few comedy moments and Brough was popular enough as the host to gain a role in Gerry Anderson’s UFO and to have this show renamed to Lift Off With Ayshea from the fourth season (12 April 1972).

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The show grew out of an earlier tea time show (also produced by Muriel Young) that had pretty much the same format, this was called The Discotheque/Discotheque (1968-1969), Ayshea arrived as host from 19 March 1969 onwards and Graham Bonney had been a semi regular on that. Wally Whyton also appeared.

production details
UK / ITV – Granada / 128×25 minute episodes / Broadcast 5 November 1969 – 13 January 1972 (45 episodes as Lift Off) and 12 April 1972 – 17 December 1974 (73 episodes as Lift Off With Ayshea)

Musical director: Derek Hilton / Producer: Muriel Young

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.