Maybury (BBC Drama, Patrick Stewart)

Strong drama series Maybury dealt with the professional and personal life of psychiatrist Eddie Roebuck (Patrick Stewart) who worked in a mental institution.

The intent was to show that psych wards were not just places full of lost souls but also places of hope and humour. Patrick Stewart was the only regular and not all of the people he dealt with were in-patrients some were out patients such as Jean (Maggie Ollerenshaw) and Keith Stone (Ian Redford) who were having troubles with their sex life.

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Anthony Minghella was one of the writers on the series as were Jim Hawkins, Ewart Alexander and Douglas Watkinson. The series was also very well cast in terms of guest stars with the likes of Kenneth Haigh, Juliet Stevenson, Tom Georgeson, Alfred Marks, Dominic Guard, Barbara Flynn, Cyril Cusack, Michael Kitchen, Christopher Scoular, Barry Foster, Rudolph Walker and Norman Eshley. Some characters appeared for a couple of episodes in the first season. Season two was actually made up of 2 stories of two episodes and 1 story of three episodes.

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Cast: Patrick Stewart as Dr Eddie Roebuck

Script Editor: Kerry Crabbe / Music: Daryl Runswick / Producer: Ruth Boswell

UK / BBC / 20×50 minutes / 12 May1981 – 5 August 1983

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.