Comedy drama. Set in mid-50’s London, the story centers on aging socialite Dame Lettie Colston (Stephanie Cole), her brother Godfrey and his seemingly dotty wife Charmian (Renee Asherson), a former romantic novelist now enjoying a fresh rep. All of them receive anonymous calls in which a male voice announces, “Remember you must die.”
Dame Lettie hires a former cop to investigate, but the calls keep coming to other members of the pensioners’ circle. Meanwhile, the waspish Mabel Pettigrew (Maggie Smith), who’s blackmailing Godfrey (Michael Hordern) for a past indiscretion, takes over the job as Charmian’s housekeeper/companion with her eyes on some disputed loot…
UK / BBC Two / 2×60 minute episodes / 1992
Novel: Muriel Spark / Writers: Jack Clayton, Jeannie Simms, Alan Kelley / Executive Producer: Mark Shivas / Producer: Louis Marks / Director: Jack Clayton.
Cast: Maggie Smith as Mrs. Mabel Pettigrew / Renee Asherson as Charmian Colston / Michael Hordern as Godfrey Colston / Stephanie Cole as Dame Lettie Colston / Zoe Wanamaker as Olive Mannering / Thora Hird as Jean Taylor / Maurice Denham as Guy Leet / Cyril Cusack as Percy Mannering / John Wood as Ex-Inspector Henry Mortimer / Elizabeth Bradley as Mrs. Anthony / Margery Withers as Grannie Barnacle / Barbara Hicks as Tempest Sidebottome / Muriel Pavlow as Grannie Valvona / Anna Cropper as Mrs. Mortimer / Damaris Hayman as Miss Lottinville / Paul Opacic as Jeff